Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 4

Looks like I photoshoped Mike in :) haha. He looks mad! But he wasn't.

Because I forgot to take the camera out on day 4 I only got a few fun picture. Day 4 was video and board games day! Went to the Good will, Walmart, EB games and got a bunch of stuff to play. It was fun!

Started with breakfast: Mike's is the XLarge and Polly and me have a regular

The game I got for myself :)

Porque me olvidé de quitar la cámara en día 4 yo sólo tengo unas imagen. ¡El día 4 fueron video y día de juegos de mesa! Fue a la voluntad Buena, Walmart, juegos de EB y consiguió un ramo de material para jugar. ¡Fue divertido!

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