Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 6

Day 6 was awesome!! Went to Klondike days (back in the days) and now it is called Capital X. <- Boring name! Ha ha. Anyways. Got some pictures of Polly on some rides. Pictures of the stuff Polly and I won and a picture of a stuffy she won for me :) A purse I got for $10.00 and a purse I got that changes the outer part of it, but not the inside. It is sweet!!! oh yes and we got Cotton Candy and Candy Apples. Also got souvenior cups with Slurpees in them, and we got shaved ice!! It was awesomE!!

Dia 6 fue super bueno!! Fuimos al Klondike days (en los dia antiguas) y ahora se llama Capital X <-- Fome nombre!! Ja Ja. Sace algunas fotos de Polly en los paseos. Fotos de peluches que Polly y yo ganamos. Y el Peluche que la Polly mi gano. Una cartera que mi costo $10.00 y una otra cartera que se camia la parte afuera. Ah sí y compramos Algodón azucarado y a Candy Manzanas. ¡Souvenior también conseguido ahueca con Slurpees en ellos, y nosotros fuimos afeitados hielo!! ¡Fue impresionante!!


  1. It seems like you enjoyed a little staycation! Having your vacation at home and enjoying Edmonton for all it has to offer. I am jealous! I've stayed away from all the festivals (like Klondike Days) to try and save money. Oh well, there is always next summer.

  2. Yeah, it was crazy expensive, don't get me wrong. But you know what, Mike kept having to remind me that it really is a one time a year thing. It isn't like I do these things daily. Except for shopping. I am an addict and I can admitt to it. Is it out of countrol. PROBABLY :)


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